
O1 Visa for athletes

General information about the O1 Visa

The O1 visa is for individuals who have extraordinary ability in the sciences, education, business, athletics or arts, or that throughout their career have demonstrated a record of outstanding achievement in the film industry, television or be recognized nationally and internationally for those achievements…Read more

How to Qualify & Apply for an O-1 Visa for athletes

There are many athletes who have achieved success in the United States. Whether in soccer, major league, football and others, many immigrants have achieved success in North America and this has been possible thanks to an o1 visa.
It is understood that extraordinary skill that is developed as a notch above the rest, to…Read more

Documents Visa Atletes

A written advisory opinion from a peer group (including labor organizations) or a person designated by the group with expertise in the beneficiary’s area of ability.
If the O-1 petition is for an individual with extraordinary achievement in motion picture or television, the consultation must come from an appropriate labor union and a management
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Sports Agent Cover Letter

Sports agent is known to represent any athlete on a contractual basis, with the main goal to market, negotiate contracts, and promote a player or a team. Moreover, a sports agent will also have to negotiate for the deals of commercial endorsement deals for the athlete he or she is representing…Read more

Advisory Opinion Letter

Usually, the first step in an O petition process is obtaining an advisory opinion from an appropriate consulting entity, such as a peer group, labor organization, or management organization. The advisory opinion is to state whether the alien qualifies as an alien of extraordinary ability as provided above and whether such extraordinary abilities are …Read more

Expert support letter

To obtain a visa O1 the athlete must have the recommendation of a member of the sport media or a recognized sport expert who can confirm the success of the athlete either individually or performance in any team….Read more

From O1 Visa to Green Card

The green card serves as proof that its holder, a lawful permanent resident (LPR), has been officially granted immigration benefits, which include permission to reside and take employment in the United States. The holder must maintain permanent resident status, and can be removed from the United States if certain conditions of …Read more

P-Visa for Athletes and coaches

Besides the 01 Visa athletes may choose a P visa which can provide certain athletes, coaches and even artists the opportunity to live and work in the United States temporarily. Every athlete internationally recognized who travels to the United States to participate in a competition or artistic event as a member of a group and its key personnel workers may require a P-1 visa type…Read more