
Expert support sample letter

To obtain a visa O1 the athlete must have the recommendation of a member of the sport media or a recognized sport expert who can confirm the success of the athlete either individually or performance in any team.

Letter of Support from Independent Expert

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services
AddressPetition to Qualify [name of individual] as an Outstanding AthleteDear Sir or Madam:This letter is written in support of the petition to qualify [name of individual] as an
Outstanding Athlete in ______the sport_____.
[A section that establishes your own credentials as an expert in the field. List only a few
major accomplishments. Attach a short C.V. or biography of yourself.]

[A section that establishes how and why you are familiar enough with the individual’s work to evaluate it.] I have known [name of individual] since [date] in connection with [please list how you came to know the individual].

[Comments you can make about the individual’s work in relation to the six criteria
identified by the USCIS as evidence of an “outstanding” Athlete having
national and international renown. Please give specific examples (dates, names,
places, etc.) regarding the categories below:

Contributions to _____sport____.
Please describe the individual’s work using words such as “original,” “breakthrough,” “identified for the first time,” “new technique “set a new

Published material about the Athlete. Has his/her work been cited by other important people in the field?

Service as the judge of the work of others Has the individual served on panels at international conferences? Has the individual on events on important interviews?

National or international awards for outstanding achievement in sports.
What was the award, grant or fellowship? What are the criteria or selection
process for the recipient?

Membership in organizations that require outstanding achievement as criteria for membership. Discuss the organizations to which the individual has been nominated or elected. In summary, [name of individual] is an outstanding professor/researcher who has made important contributions to this field and who is certain to continue to contribute to the field.
