
It is clear that the United States is a country of opportunities where its citizens and many foreigners try to make their dreams come true.

All the immigrants who wish to find a good job that helps them develop themselves professionally in the United States should take a few aspects into account.

  1. First of all, they must decide where exactly they want to take up residence. Then, it is important to study the opportunities that the chosen city brings, as if it were market research.

2. Secondly, it is essential to know the sources of employment around the area and what they require. Of course, one must try to find a job in which one can grow professionally. Even though, at the beginning, it is difficult to find the ideal job, it is not impossible. Only a little adaptation, sacrifice and patience make the process easier.

3. Preparing a good résumé is fundamental. It should be attractive, concise, and it should make clear that the person knows the English language. A motivational letter should be attached to the résumé, so the employer gets to know the person better. Personal references must not be forgotten, especially if some of them come from people or companies in the United States.

4. Immigrants should remember that social networks are powerful. Offering the possibility to grant an interview through Skype is truly effective, and it helps to create a stronger bond of trust.

The application process takes time. That is why certain options should be reconsidered. For example, working from home is a good way to prove one’s talent. Visiting the company from time to time, and being efficient will make everything easier.

There are some other options apart from working from home. It is advisable to start with a student visa, and afterwards to find a job. Both things make the immigrant eligible.

Finally, a really important aspect when looking for job opportunities in the United States is contacting a lawyer or a law firm specialized in immigration. Specialized assessment is always the key to success in long processes like this one.

Immigration lawyers, not only help people understand laws in a more complete and condensed way, they also provide the applicants with different options when applying for an O1, a P1 or an HB1 visa.

At Beltran Brito LLP we are specialized in guiding immigrants through their way to getting a work visa or Green Card. We have the necessary tools to help them understand the complex American immigration laws. Do not hesitate to contact us.